Resultados: 4

A humanização do cuidado pré-natal na perspectiva valorativa das mulheres gestantes

Objetivo: Identificar e analisar os valores expressos nos discursos das mulheres/gestantes acompanhadas no Programa de Pré-Natal, a respeito da assistência recebida. Métodos: Estudo fenomenológico com abordagem qualitativa. Foram entrevistadas 12 mulheres no período de janeiro a março de 2013 acomp...

A qualidade de uma rede integrada: acessibilidade e cobertura no pré-natal

Objective: analyzing the values expressed in the speech of women/mothers in the accessibility of monitoring examinations of prenatal care. Method: a phenomenological, descriptive, exploratory study with a qualitative approach. There were interviwed fifty women/pregnant of the Prenatal Program of Ni...

O comportamento expresso pela parturiente durante o trabalho de parto: reflexos da assistência do pré-natal

Objective: identifying, through the view of women, the influence of the guidance received prenatal care in their own attitudes during labor and birth; pointing, according to the vision of the woman's own attitudes during birth labor and birth; investigate whether these attitudes were influenced by the gu...

A assistência humanizada no trabalho de parto: percepção das adolescentes

Objective: to identify the perceptions of teenagers in thier assistance offered at the time of labor and delivery; discuss these perceptions with the humanized care in labor and delivery. Method: this is a descriptive, exploratory, qualitative, with fifteen teens /postpartum women's rooming Maternity Osw...